viernes, 26 de junio de 2009
My ideal job
I think I will be good at this job, because I'm interested in this matter, and I'm a person who does well what I want, with enthusiasm and interest.
The only problem is that it is difficult to find a job like this, because there is a lot of people intersted in the same thing so the competition is hard, and also the people need a very good curriculum, with good references and marks. So it's not eas to make an investigation about the subject I want, sometimes it is easy to work in other people investigition, its diffficult to have your own.
martes, 23 de junio de 2009
The speech of Ken Robinson
So we need to restructure the school
domingo, 21 de junio de 2009
My favorite subject
I prefer the practice part over the theoretical because, the second one is more stactic and we have to be very concentrate for understand the informacion and theory. For all this reasons physical anthropology is become in my favorite subject.
viernes, 12 de junio de 2009
My Career
My future
The next year I'm going to graduate from University, and this is a new thing, because when I finished the school, I went inmediatly to the University, so I have to continue studing. When I finish the University I'm going to end with a season. When I graduate from University, I'm going to take a master, may be in the same place, and when I finish this course I'm going to take a Ph.D probably in other country, I hope this woudl be one from Europe, like Austria, Germany or Switzerland. If I want to going to live to this countries I must learn to speak in german. In my personal life, I really don't know how is going to be, I'm prefer don't think about it. I prefer live the present and enjoy the moments with my friends, boyfriend and family. I really hope to be happy in every thing I do.I dont have a ideal future, I prefer to build it on the road, and try to do the best for me. The only thing I have to do is travel around the world, I don't know when and how I'm going to do this.

In my opinion the best in physical anthropology is Arthur Auderheide, because he is a pioneer in
viernes, 5 de junio de 2009